Kaah General Co.


I am a businessperson and entrepreneur who have tremendous practical experience in small and medium business management, financial management and administrations.

In the year of 2003, I started “Kaah Electrical General Trading and Electronics” in Garowe since now.

“I Am Responsible for the Success of this Organization.” Many employees feel as if the CEO abdicates their responsibility to bring success to the organization. In order to get the best out of the people that work for us, they have to believe that the leader is giving their best to the organization.

“I Am Responsible for the Success of this Organization.” Many employees feel as if the CEO abdicates their responsibility to bring success to the organization. In order to get the best out of the people that work for us, they have to believe that the leader is giving their best to the organization.

“Together We Can Accomplish Great Things.” Organizations are not all about the leader. The leader is one component of the organization, but the organization will only become what the people in the organization decide that it will become. The CEO needs to inspire their people to work together in unity and synergy. This only happens when the people of an organization hear the leader of the organization say what can happen when they all work together.

“I See Myself as Responsible to the Employees.” This attitude will help the CEO to connect with every employee in the company. Only after employees are taken care do they feel released to care for customers. Every great CEO knows that everything good starts with taking care of employees. The CEO is responsible to cast a vision, to create meaningful work, and to give appreciation to the workforce. When a CEO makes this statement, it sends a valuable message to their team.

“We have a Vision worth Working For.” The primary responsibility of the leader is to cast vision and set a pathway forward. Many CEOs forget this basic principle. Without a clear vision from the leader, the people will fall into lack of focus and productivity. The leader must continually set the vision and remind
their people of the importance of following the vision.

“You are Valuable to Me and the Organization.” When people know their value, they strive to become more valuable. Many workers have become disengaged and discontented because they feel as if their work does not matter. The CEO can go a long way in helping their employees feel valuable by telling them that they value them.

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